Musical Instruments

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Musical Instruments

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Looking for Musical Instruments for sale near Gloucester on eBay? Look no further - we have searched for items across eBay UK and the results are provided below...

eBay Listings nearest Gloucester
BFD!! - Fisoma Quinton 3/4 CELLO Steel/Flat wound Chromium Steel string setBFD!! - Fisoma Quinton 3/4 CELLO Steel/Flat wound Chromium Steel string set
BTS!! - Fisoma Quinton 7/8 CELLO Steel/Flat wound Chromium Steel string set BTS!! - Fisoma Quinton 7/8 CELLO Steel/Flat wound Chromium Steel string set
BFD!! - Fisoma Quinton 1/2 CELLO Steel/Flat wound Chromium Steel string setBFD!! - Fisoma Quinton 1/2 CELLO Steel/Flat wound Chromium Steel string set
Viola Fine Tuner precision made size 4/4 - single piece silver col Nickel platedViola Fine Tuner precision made size 4/4 - single piece silver col Nickel plated
BST'23 - Viola Anti-allergic Chin Rest by Wittner replaces old rest Centred typeBST'23 - Viola Anti-allergic Chin Rest by Wittner replaces old rest Centred type
BTS'23 Price! Viola Shoulder Rest GSRF-VAP 15 - 16.5" Plastic Curved DesignBTS'23 Price! Viola Shoulder Rest GSRF-VAP 15 - 16.5" Plastic Curved Design
BFD! Fisoma Quinton Steel/Flat wound Chromium Steel Cello string set 4/4 LenznerBFD! Fisoma Quinton Steel/Flat wound Chromium Steel Cello string set 4/4 Lenzner
Violin Fine Tuners precision made size 4/4 - single piece golden screw in black Violin Fine Tuners precision made size 4/4 - single piece golden screw in black
Viola Strings type A906 Steel Core Nickel Chromium wound  4/4 very good quality Viola Strings type A906 Steel Core Nickel Chromium wound 4/4 very good quality
BTS2pcs. LT-610 Clamp-on Electronic Tuner for V, G, B, U, Chr & MICROPHONE tunerBTS2pcs. LT-610 Clamp-on Electronic Tuner for V, G, B, U, Chr & MICROPHONE tuner
BFD!! 2pcs Clamp-on Electronic Tuner Violin, Guitar, Bass, Uke, Chromatic LT-23BFD!! 2pcs Clamp-on Electronic Tuner Violin, Guitar, Bass, Uke, Chromatic LT-23
BFD!! Super Soft Violin/Viola player's practice cloth in burgundy SonoroSempreBFD!! Super Soft Violin/Viola player's practice cloth in burgundy SonoroSempre
QB-5pcs Super Soft Violin/Viola player's practice cloth burgundy by ArcofacileQB-5pcs Super Soft Violin/Viola player's practice cloth burgundy by Arcofacile
BTS!! Violin Strings A704 Steel Core Aluminium wound size 1/4 very good quality BTS!! Violin Strings A704 Steel Core Aluminium wound size 1/4 very good quality
BTSCello LIGHT Rosin by MELOS in a pouch cloth lined 'The World's Finest Rosin!'BTSCello LIGHT Rosin by MELOS in a pouch cloth lined 'The World's Finest Rosin!'
Akusticus 'New Design' high quality Violin 4/4 tailpiece c/w gut-wire loopAkusticus 'New Design' high quality Violin 4/4 tailpiece c/w gut-wire loop
BTS -Violin Strings type A704 Steel Core Aluminium wound size 4/4 very good QUALBTS -Violin Strings type A704 Steel Core Aluminium wound size 4/4 very good QUAL
Viola Fine Tuners traditional design size 16" - 15" - single piece Nickel platedViola Fine Tuners traditional design size 16" - 15" - single piece Nickel plated
Violin Fine Tuners traditional design size 1/2 - single piece in all black Violin Fine Tuners traditional design size 1/2 - single piece in all black
BFD!! Cello Strings type A805 Steel Core Nickel Chromium 4/4 very good quality BFD!! Cello Strings type A805 Steel Core Nickel Chromium 4/4 very good quality
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